1 | """ |
2 | TSP_IA: 免疫算法解决旅行商问题 |
3 | """ |
4 | import numpy as np |
5 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
6 |
7 |
8 | city_num = 20 |
9 | population_size = 100 |
10 | epochs = 500 |
11 | clone_number = 10 |
12 |
13 | print('TSP By IA......') |
14 | print('The number of cities: ', str(city_num)) |
15 | print('The number of immune individuals: ', str(population_size)) |
16 | print('The number of immune generations: ', str(epochs)) |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | def init_population(city_num, population_size): |
21 | individuals = np.zeros((city_num, population_size)) |
22 | for i in range(population_size): |
23 | individuals[:, i] = np.random.permutation(range(0, city_num)) |
24 | return individuals.astype(int) |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | def compute_distance(city_size, cities_location): |
29 | dismat = np.zeros((city_size, city_size)) |
30 | for i in range(city_size): |
31 | for j in range(i, city_size): |
32 | dismat[i][j] = dismat[j][i] = np.linalg.norm(cities_location[i] - cities_location[j]) |
33 | return dismat |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | def get_all_distance(path, distance): |
38 | one_distance = distance[path[city_num - 1]][path[0]] |
39 | for j in range(city_num - 1): |
40 | one_distance += distance[path[j]][path[j + 1]] |
41 | return one_distance |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 | cities_location = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (city_num, 2)) |
46 |
47 | distance = compute_distance(city_num, cities_location) |
48 |
49 | population = init_population(city_num, population_size) |
50 |
51 | individual_lengths = np.zeros((population_size, 1)) |
52 | for i in range(population_size): |
53 | individual_lengths[i] = get_all_distance(population[:, i], distance) |
54 |
55 |
56 | sorted_indexs = np.argsort(individual_lengths, axis=0) |
57 | sorted_population = np.zeros((city_num, population_size)) |
58 | sorted_individual_lengths = np.zeros((population_size, 1)) |
59 | for i in range(population_size): |
60 | sorted_population[:, i] = population[:, sorted_indexs[i][0]] |
61 | sorted_individual_lengths[i, 0] = individual_lengths[sorted_indexs[i][0], 0] |
62 |
63 |
64 | record_min_length = np.zeros((epochs, 1)) |
65 |
66 | print('Start......', end=' ') |
67 | for gen in range(epochs): |
68 | |
69 | half_of_all = np.zeros((city_num, int(population_size / 2)), dtype=int) |
70 | half_of_all_length = np.zeros((int(population_size / 2), 1)) |
71 | for i in range(int(population_size / 2)): |
72 | |
73 | tile_i_th = np.tile(sorted_population[:, i], (clone_number, 1)) |
74 | clone_individuals = np.transpose(tile_i_th) |
75 | for j in range(clone_number): |
76 | p1, p2 = np.random.randint(0, city_num, size=2) |
77 | clone_individuals[p1, j], clone_individuals[p2, j] = clone_individuals[p2, j], clone_individuals[p1, j] |
78 | clone_individuals[:, 0] = sorted_population[:, i] |
79 | |
80 | clone_individuals = clone_individuals.astype(int) |
81 | clone_individuals_lengths = np.zeros((clone_number, 1)) |
82 | for j in range(clone_number): |
83 | clone_individuals_lengths[j, 0] = get_all_distance(clone_individuals[:, j], distance) |
84 | sorted_indexs = np.argsort(clone_individuals_lengths, axis=0) |
85 | sorted_clone_individuals = np.zeros((city_num, clone_number)) |
86 | sorted_clone_individuals_lengths = np.zeros((clone_number, 1)) |
87 | for k in range(clone_number): |
88 | sorted_clone_individuals[:, k] = clone_individuals[:, sorted_indexs[k][0]] |
89 | sorted_clone_individuals_lengths[k, 0] = clone_individuals_lengths[sorted_indexs[k][0], 0] |
90 | half_of_all[:, i] = sorted_clone_individuals[:, 0] |
91 | half_of_all_length[i, 0] = sorted_clone_individuals_lengths[0, 0] |
92 | |
93 | |
94 | new_half_of_all = np.zeros((city_num, int(population_size / 2)), dtype=int) |
95 | new_half_of_all_length = np.zeros((int(population_size / 2), 1)) |
96 | for i in range(int(population_size / 2)): |
97 | init_one = init_population(city_num, 1) |
98 | init_one.shape = city_num |
99 | new_half_of_all[:, i] = init_one |
100 | new_half_of_all_length[i, 0] = get_all_distance(new_half_of_all[:, i], distance) |
101 | |
102 | updated_population = np.append(half_of_all, new_half_of_all, axis=1) |
103 | updated_population_length = np.append(half_of_all_length, new_half_of_all_length, axis=0) |
104 | |
105 | sorted_indexs = np.argsort(updated_population_length, axis=0) |
106 | sorted_population = np.zeros((city_num, population_size)) |
107 | sorted_individual_lengths = np.zeros((population_size, 1)) |
108 | for i in range(population_size): |
109 | sorted_population[:, i] = updated_population[:, sorted_indexs[i][0]] |
110 | sorted_individual_lengths[i, 0] = updated_population_length[sorted_indexs[i][0], 0] |
111 | |
112 | record_min_length[gen, 0] = sorted_individual_lengths[0, 0] |
113 |
114 | print('Finish.') |
115 |
116 | best_solution = list(map(int, sorted_population[:, 0].astype(int))) |
117 | best_path = best_solution + [best_solution[0]] |
118 | best_length = record_min_length[-1, 0] |
119 |
120 |
121 | print('The best path: ' + str(best_path[0]), end='') |
122 | for i in range(1, len(best_path)): |
123 | print(' ->', str(best_path[i]), end='') |
124 | print() |
125 |
126 | print('The total distance: ', str(best_length)) |
127 |
128 |
129 | X, Y = [], [] |
130 | for i in best_path: |
131 | X.append(cities_location[i, 0]) |
132 | Y.append(cities_location[i, 1]) |
133 | fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
134 | ax.plot(X, Y, marker='o') |
135 | for i in range(city_num): |
136 | txt = best_path[i] |
137 | ax.annotate(txt, (X[i], Y[i])) |
138 | plt.show() |